一、 个人简介
(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金, 32302470, 小肽miPEP399b通过miR399b-PHO2调控ROS介导葡萄果实成熟机制解析, 2024-01-01-2026-12-31, 30万元,主持
(2)河南省重点研发与推广专项, 222102110083, 调控葡萄果实品质的miR399初级序列编码的小肽的筛选与应用, 2022-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 10万元, 主持
(3)河南科技大学博士科研启动基金, 13480067, 葡萄中非常规肽(NCPs)的鉴定与分析, 2020-10-01 至 2025-10-31, 10万元, 主持
Gu C#, Pei MS#, Guo ZH#, Wu L#, Qi KJ#, Wang XP, Liu H, Liu ZC, Lang ZB, Zhang SL. 2024. Multi-omics provide insights into the regulation of DNA methylation in pear fruit metabolism. Genome Biology. 25:70.
Pei MS#, Liu HN#, Wei TL, Guo DL. 2023. Proteome-Wide Identification of Non-histone Lysine Methylation during Grape Berry Ripening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 71(31): 12140-12152.
Pei MS, Liu HN, Wei TL, Jin HY, Yu YH, Ma MT, Song XM, Dai RD, Guo DL. 2024. Identification, characterization, and verification of miR399 target gene in grape. Horticultural Plant Journal, 10(1): 91-102.
Pei MS#, Liu HN#, Wei TL, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2023. Folic acid delays postharvest quality deterioration of table grape by regulating cell wall metabolism-associated hub WRKY31 transcription factor. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 197:112207.
Pei MS, Liu HN, Wei TL, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2022. Large-scale discovery of non-conventional peptides in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) through peptidogenomics. Horticulture Research, 9:uhac023.
Pei MS#, Liu HN#, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Wei TL, Yu YH, Jiao JB, Lv YY, Li F, Li HC, Zhu XJ, Guo DL. 2022. A simple and efficient protocol for transient transformation of sliced grape berries. Protoplasma. 2023, 260(3):757-766.
Pei MS, Liu HN, Wei TL, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2021. Detection and characterization of genome-wide genetic variation associated with the early-ripening phenotype of grape mutants. Scientia Horticulturae. 285:110195.
Pei MS, Cao SH, Wu L, Wang GM, Xie, ZH, Gu C, Zhang SL. 2020. Comparative transcriptome analyses of fruit development among pears, peaches, and strawberries provide new insights into single sigmoid patterns, BMC Plant Biology. 20:108.
Pei MS, Gu C, Zhang SL. 2019, Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of genes associated with peach (Prunus persica) fruit ripening, Scientia Horticulturae, 246:317-327.
Pei MS, Niu JX, Li CJ, Cao FJ, Quan SW. 2016. Identification and expression analysis of genes related to calyx persistence in Korla fragrant pear, BMC Genomics. 17:132.
Liu HN#, Pei MS#, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Shang YX, Yu YH, Wei TL, Shi QF, Guo DL. 2024. Alternative splicing of PECTINESTERASE gene encoding the cell wall-degrading enzyme affects postharvest softening in grape. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 23(3):863-875.
Liu HN, Pei MS, Ampomah-Dwamena C, He GQ, Wei TL, Shi QF, Yu YH, Guo DL. Genome-wide characterization of long terminal repeat retrotransposons provides insights into trait evolution of four cucurbit species. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2023, 23(3):218.
Liu HN, Pei MS, Wei TL, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2022. ROS scavenger Hypotaurine delays postharvest softening of ‘Kyoho’ grape by regulating pectin and cell metabolism pathway. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 186:111833.
Liu HN, Pei MS, Wei TL, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2021. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of hydrogen peroxide sensors under H2O2 and ROS inhibitor treatment in ‘Kyoho’ grape berry. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 180:111617.
Jin HY, Pei MS, Guo DL. 2022. Phylogenetic analysis and target gene prediction of miR477 gene family in grape. Biocell, 46(4), 941-949.
Liu W#, Pei MS#, Zhang A. 2018. Studying on the strictly self-compatibility mechanism of 'Liuyefeitao' peach (Prunus persica L.). PLoS One, 13:e0200914.
He GQ, Huang XX, Pei MS, Jin HY, Cheng YZ, Wei TL, Liu HN, Yu YH, Guo DL. 2023. Dissection of the Pearl of Csaba pedigree identifies key genomic segments related to early-ripening in grape. Plant Physiol, 191(2):1153-1166.
裴茂松, 牛建新, 李陈静, 孙晓霞, 王博慧, 曹福军, 全绍文, 赵欢. 2016. 库尔勒香梨kfpNAC基因的克隆和表达分析. 果树学报, 33:523-533.
万玉通, 裴茂松, 韦同路, 刘海楠, 余义和, 郭大龙. 2021. 甲基化修饰影响果实生长发育的研究进展. 植物生理学报, 57 (3): 531-541.
(1)裴茂松,刘海楠,晋慧影,何光琪,韦同路,余义和,郭大龙.叶酸在延缓葡萄果实采后品质劣变方面的应用, 2024-1-19, 中国, ZL 2022 1 1223778.X
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